July 21, 2008


Nothing serious, at least no bodily injury. Last Wednesday at 4:20 a.m. our vehicle was snoozing quietly on the street in front of our house when along comes a drunk driver who couldn't keep his vehicle in the center of the street and so crashed into ours. Someone on the next block down called it in right away and he was caught. The police came to our house around 5 a.m. to inform me of the incident. Of course, the "other guy" was driving on a suspended license with no insurance. And now, we shell out a $500 deductible because of it all.

After many deep breaths and reminding myself it could have all been so much worse, I'm doing my best to move on and let it go. Of course, I haven't actually had to write out that check yet, either.

Ok, more deep breaths....


kelli said...

aww, that sucks. I am glad no one is hurt, but it's still frustrating.

Jack said...

Again, the most important thing is that noone was injured. Shelling out cash is always annoying, but hey, it could have been alot worse.

Take care,



Heidi Snavley said...

Haven't read here in a while so had some things to catch up on, lol. I've had a hard time keeping up with my blog. I'm so sorry about the car incident. Breathing is good. No use stressing about something that can't be changed right? Still irritating though! I find myself thinking about you guys a lot lately and really wish we didn't live so far away! I'm planning on going to Northwest conference next May because my sister is speaking there. If I don't go she will flog me! :) So maybe that will be in your plans too?

Karen said...

Same thing happened to me a couple of years ago, only we were in the car! Thankfully, no injuries, but we had a $1,000 deductible and the car was totalled.
It sure is hard to write that check...

Amy said...

Oh, how awful, Karen! I'm so sorry that had to happen. So glad that you weren't driving or that none of you were in the vehicle when that happened.

Sue said...

Oh Karen! A pox on drunk drivers. They often do far worse damage though... Miss you guys and have been thinking of you alot! Will call you this weekend!