April 21, 2006

Outside again

We took a quick drive up to Hill City today to visit a friend who will be opening up a health food store there. Very cool spot, and HC doesn't have a HFS yet, so it should go over well! Then we went to the park to help Haakon celebrate his 6th birthday! We all got yummy organic ice cream bars, and the kids played some games and again found their way to the creek. They were all pretty muddy when it was all over with, but well worth it!
Got home in time for the boys to mingle with their baby chicks/duck for a while, then John arrived home from SF. I whipped up some Indian tacos for dinner, then off to the Idea Wild slide show at the Journey Museum. The slide show was fascinating (if you are a grownup), and the kids sat well enough through it! Then, Melissa from Wildlife Adventures brought out some live animals. A large parrot, named Reggie; an Euroasian Eagle Owl, a pigeon, and some type of rainforest lizard at the end (from the rainforest, oops, can't remember what kind?) Stone bought a t-shirt, and in so doing, helped to fund a project to provide binoculars for scientists in the field who are interested in biodiversity. Now, we're all tired and home. I put Sage to sleep first, then went down to get myself ready for bed. Made the mistake of opening up the fridge and saw the 2 Napolean deserts I picked up from the Alpine Inn while in Hill City today. So, out came my fork! Mmmm, my favorite! Saylor and Stone are watching a bit of tv, and will be up when they feel ready for bed. As for me, I'm ready now! Goodnight!

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