June 7, 2007

Wednesday in Sacramento

Here I sit. 10:00 pm, Wednesday night. John and Sage just hopped into bed together. (well, technically, I slid Sage out of my arms and into bed, but John kind of hopped, gently! :) Saylor and Stone are off playing flashlight tag, and walking in the shallow trench that's weaving around near our bus with their new friend, Logan. I'm enjoying a few moments of quiet solitude under our gazebo, which John had so beautifully set up, complete with hanging flower baskets and pretty lights strung in the center, that give off that just right glow. Sounds peachy, eh? Y'know, a friend a I were just talking about our blog, here. She noted that I only share the good, positive happy stuff. Yep, that's what I share! Just so you know, however, we do have our share of crap, bumps and detours, just like everybody else. I just choose to focus on the good in our lives, knowing that old Secret...what you give your Attention to increases. So, I give as much attention to all the good stuff, because how fun would it be to have the bad stuff multiply? Nah, not much fun at all!

So, yes, it is a lovely, peachy, picture perfect night here! All my boys are around me, healthy and sharing their endless gifts. How much better can it be?

Hoping your night is all you wish for, too!



Anonymous said...

Hello Wild Tribe!
Glad that you made it safe and sound to Sunny Sacremento! Love you my sistah!

hahamommy said...

Love, Love, Love ~ Peace, Peace, Peace

Heather's Moving Castle said...

and i love your polly anna sorta hippie happy kinda blog! it makes me smile!! glad u are back w john in CA!!

Heidi Snavley said...

Glad you made it safe! Enjoy the nice warm weather.